Plants of Tasmania Nursery

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Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Limited

Endemic Flora of Tasmania Printsddd

In the early 1960s Irish Lord Talbot of Malahide, whose family had owned land in Tasmania since 1824, commissioned well-known Australian-born botanical artist Margaret Stones to produce a large format volume that presented the endemic flora of Tasmania. Stones, who was based in the UK, collaborated with Dr Winifred Curtis, botanist at the University of Tasmania, who both organised to get plants to England in good enough condition to paint and prepared the accompanying text. The resulting six large-format volumes are now collectors' items, with the beautiful but simple paintings the main feature.

Quite remarkably we have come into a collection of prints from these books. These were apparently printers' overruns that were not bound into the original volumes. The prints, which measure roughly 40 x 25 cm, are in fine condition, and frame wonderfully.

Click on the links below to see the prints (needless to say the originals don't have 'Sample' embossed across them). In the list below, the names given are those listed on the prints. Many of these names have now been changed.


We are selling the prints for $10 each, $45 for 5, $80 for 10, or $7 each for more than 10. A collection of all the prints that are available is $5 per print. Numbers of prints vary, and I'll remove them from the list as they sell out. Email the nursery via the contact page if you would like to order some. The prints are not stored at the nursery, so only a limited few will be available here to be looked at. The most convenient way to get the prints will be to pick them up at the nursery. The prints can be mailed flat to Australia or around the world.

1. Abrotanella scapigera and Abrotanella forsterioides
2. Acacia riceana and Acacia axillaris
3. Aciphylla procumbens, Actinotus moorei and Forstera bellidifolia
4. Athrotaxis cupressoides
5. Bedfordia salicina
6. Callistemon viridiflorus
7. Campynema lineare and Isophysis tasmanica
8. Centrolepis muscoides and Lepidosperma lineare var. inops
9. Correa backhousiana and Hakea epiglottis
10. Cryptandra alpina and Stenanthemum pimelioides
11. Cyathodes parvifolia
12. Cyathodes petiolaris and Cyathodes nitida
13. Danthonia dimidiata and Danthonia fortunae-hibernae
14. Deyeuxia accedens
15. Dodonaea ericifolia
16. Epacris gunnii and Epacris barbata
17. Epacris mucronulata and Epacris stuartii
18. Epacris myrtifolia and Epacris virgata
19. Eucalyptus rodwayi and Melaleuca pustulata
20. Euphrasia collina ssp. deflexifolia and Euphrasia phragmostoma
21. Helichrysum costatifructus and Helichrysum reticulatum
22. Helichrysum expansifolium and Helichrysum scutellifolium
23. Helichrysum lycopodioides and Helichrysum antennaria
24. Helichrysum purpurescens and Oreomyrrhis sessiliflora
25. Hydatella filamentosa and Gaimardia fitzgeraldii
26. Leptospermum glaucescens
27. Leptospermum riparium and Leptospermum scoparium var. eximeum
28. Microlaena tasmanica var. subalpina and Luzula oldfieldii ssp. oldfieldii
29. Mitrascame archeri, Wahlenbergia saxicola and Gunnera cordifolia
30. Monotoca glauca and Monotoca linifolia
31. Orites acicularis and Orites milliganii
32. Pernettya tasmanica, Gaultheria hispida and Pentachondra ericifolia
33. Phebalium montanum
34. Phyllota diffusa
35. Pimelea cinerea
36. Pimelea sericea (2 forms)
37. Pittosporum undulatum ssp. emmettii
38. Plantago gunnii and and Plantago paradoxa
39. Prasophyllum buftonianum and Prasophyllum firthii
40. Pratia irrigua
41. Pseudopanax gunnii
42. Pultenaea selaginoides
43. Ranunculus setaceus and Anemone crassifolia
44. Ranunculus triplodontus and Nymphoides exigua
45. Richea milliganii
46. Rubus gunnianus and Acaena montana
47. Spyridium ulicinum and Spyridium lawrencii
48. Tetracarpaea tasmanica and Hibbertia hirsuta
49. Veronica formosa and Ourisia integrifolia
50. Westringia raleighii and Westringia brevifolia
51. Xyris marginata and Xyris muelleri

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