These are plants that have been recorded as occurring naturally within the Colebrook area and that we grow in the nursery. Choose from these plants if you want a totally local garden, or use this as a guide on where to start choosing plants. Be aware that even within quite small distances there can be marked differences in soil and habitat - moist or dry, for example - so read the descriptions in the main plant listings to refine this list for your garden. Needless to say many plants not recorded in the area will also thrive in your garden. Also note that the lists give no indication of how common a plant is in the area, and that even common plants might not have been recorded by botanists in their surveys.
Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.
The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.
Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
Acacia leprosa var. graveolens Varnish Wattle
Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood
Acaena novae-zelandiae Common Buzzy
Ajuga australis Australian Bugle
Amperea xiphoclada Broom Spurge
Aotus ericoides Golden Pea
Asterotrichion discolor Tasmanian Currajong
Astroloma humifusum Native Cranberry
Astroloma pinifolium Pine Heath
Banksia marginata Silver Banksia
Bedfordia salicina Tasmanian Blanketleaf
Billardiera longiflora Purple Appleberry
Bossiaea cinerea Showy Bossia
Bursaria spinosa Prickly Box
Carex appressa Common Sedge
Cassinia aculeata Common Dollybush
Centrolepis strigosa Hairy Bristlewort
Comesperma volubile Blue Lovecreeper
Coprosma quadrifida Native Currant
Coronidium scorpioides Curling Everlasting
Cyathodes glauca Purple Cheeseberry
Daviesia latifolia Hop Bitterpea
Daviesia ulicifolia Spiky Bitterpea
Dianella revoluta Shortstem Flaxlily
Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax Lily
Dichelachne crinita Longhair Plumegrass
Dichelachne rara Common Plumegrass
Dillwynia cinerascens Grey Parrotpea
Einadia nutans Pyp Grass
Eleocharis acuta Common Spikesedge
Epacris impressa Common Heath
Eucalyptus amygdalina Black Peppermint
Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian Blue Gum
Eucalyptus obliqua Stringybark
Eucalyptus ovata Black Gum
Eucalyptus rubida Candlebark
Eucalyptus tenuiramis Silver Peppermint
Eucalyptus viminalis White Gum
Glossodia major Waxlip Orchid
Goodenia lanata Trailing Native-Primrose
Goodenia ovata Parrots Foot
Hibbertia prostrata Prostrate Guineaflower
Indigofera australis Native Indigo
Juncus filicaulis Sickleleaf Rush
Juncus pallidus Smallhead Rush
Lagenophora stipitata Blue Bottledaisy
Leucopogon virgatus Trailing Beardheath
Lobelia pedunculata Matted Lobelia
Lomandra longifolia Sagg
Lomatia tinctoria Guitarplant
Melaleuca squamea Swamp Honeymyrtle
Notelaea ligustrina Native Olive
Olearia argophylla Musk Daisybush
Olearia lirata Forest Daisybush
Ozothamnus ferrugineus Tree Everlastingbush
Pimelea nivea Bushmans Bootlace
Pittosporum bicolor Cheesewood
Poa labillardierei Bluff Snowgrass
Poa sieberiana Velvet Tussockgrass
Pomaderris apetala Prickly Shieldfern
Pultenaea juniperina Prickly Beauty
Rytidosperma caespitosum Snowpatch Grass
Scleranthus biflorus Cushion Plant
Stylidium graminifolium Narrowleaf Triggerplant
Tetratheca labillardierei Shy Pinkbells
Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass
Veronica calycina Hairy Speedwell
Veronica gracilis Slender Speedwell
Viola hederacea Native Violet
Wahlenbergia stricta Mountain Bluebell