A large area of Tasmania is alpine, and these are plants that grow up in these wild, cold extreme regions. Many will grow in a normal garden as long as they are in a cool spot and are kept moist - one thing that anyone who has done any bushwalks in the alpine areas of Tasmania knows is that it is wet up there. Most, if not all, of these plants grow well in containers as well, which mimics the rocky, soil-poor conditions in which they grow naturally.
Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.
The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.
Abrotanella forsteroides Tasmanian Cushionplant
Anisotome procumbens Mountain Celery
Astelia alpina Pineapple Grass
Baeckea gunniana Spicy Alpine Baeckea
Bellendena montana Mountain Rocket
Blechnum penna-marina Alpine Water Fern
Boronia citriodora Lemon Scented Boronia
Boronia rhomboidea Round Leaf Boronia
Celmisia asteliifolia Silver Snow Daisy
Celmisia saxifraga Small Snow Daisy
Centrolepis monogyna Western Pincushion
Coprosma moorei Mat Coprosma
Coprosma pumila Creeping Coprosma
Cotula alpina Alpine Buttons
Craspedia alpina Alpine Billybuttons
Dracophyllum minimum Heath Cushion Plant
Epacris petrophila Alpine Rock Heath
Epacris serpyllifolia Alpine Heath
Erigeron stellatus Star Mountain Daisy
Eucalyptus vernicosa Varnished Gum
Euchiton umbricola Alpine Silver Leaf
Ewartia catipes Diamond Cushionherb
Gaultheria depressa Creeping Snowberry
Gaultheria lanceolata Waxberry
Gaultheria tasmanica Tasmanian Waxberry
Geum talbotianum Tasmanian Alpine Geum
Gunnera cordifolia Heart Leaved Gunnera
Helichrysum pumilum var spathulatum Tiny Alpine Daisy
Herpolirion novae-zelandiae Sky Lily
Isophysis tasmanica Hewardia
Leionema oldfieldii Mountain Waxflower
Leptospermum rupestre Creeping Tea Tree
Leucopogon hookeri Mountain Beard Heath
Leucopogon montanus Snow Beard Heath
Milligania densiflora Silky Milligania
Olearia obcordata Heartleaf Daisy Bush
Ozothamnus hookeri Mountain Bush-Everlasting
Ozothamnus ledifolius Mountain Spice
Phebalium montanum Alpine Phebalium
Planocarpa nitida Black-Fruit Cheeseberry
Pterygopappus lawrencei Sage Cushion Bush
Richea acerosa Eastern Candle Heath
Richea scoparia Scoparia
Rubus gunnianus Alpine Raspberry
Tasmannia lanceolata Mountain Pepper
Trochocarpa thymifolia Delicate Trochocarpa
Velleia montana Mountain Velleia
Veronica ciliolata Ben Lomond Cushion Plant
Wahlenbergia saxicola Mountain Bluebell