Plants of Tasmania Nursery

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Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Limited

Plant list - Conifers

Tasmania has an interesting variety of conifers, ranging from tall trees to small, creeping alpine plants.

Eight of the species are endemic to Tasmania, with only Podocarpus lawrencei and the Callitris species growing on the mainland.

With the exception of the two species of Callitris, the Tasmanian conifers are adapted to moist, cool conditions. All grow well in pots.


Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.

The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.

Arthrotaxis cupressioides     Pencil Pine
Arthrotaxis x laxifolia     Intermediate Pine
Arthrotaxis selaginoides     King Billy Pine
Callitris oblonga     Esk River Pine
Callitris rhomboidea     Oyster Bay Pine
Diselma archeri     Cheshunt Pine
Lagarostrobus franklinii     Huon Pine
Microcachrys tetragona     Creeping Strawberry Pine
Microstrobus niphophilus     Mount Mawson Pine
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius     Celery-Top Pine
Podocarpus lawrencei     Mountain Plum Pine
Podocarpus lawrencei     Prostrate Mountain Plum Pine

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