Quite what is a tree is sometimes hard to define. Some of the species listed here could also be called tall shrubs, but most are undeniably trees. Tasmania is home to the tallest flowering plant, the magnificent Eucalyptus regnans or Swamp Gum. The tallest Swamp Gum known, the Century Tree, is located in the Southern Forests south of Hobart, and is 99.6 m high. The only taller species, the American Redwood, is a pine, and therefore doesn't have flowers.
Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.
The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.
Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
Acacia mearnsii Black wattle
Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood
Allocasuarina duncanii Duncan's Sheoak
Allocasuarina littoralis Bulloak
Allocasuarina verticillata Coast Sheoak
Atherosperma moschatum Sassafras
Athrotaxis cupressoides Pencil Pine
Athrotaxis laxifolia Intermediate Pine
Athrotaxis selaginoides King Billy Pine
Bursaria spinosa Prickly Box
Callitris oblonga South Esk Pine
Callitris rhomboidea Oyster Bay Pine
Eucalyptus amygdalina Black peppermint
Eucalyptus barberi Barber's gum
Eucalyptus brookeriana Brooker's Gum
Eucalyptus coccifera Snow Gum
Eucalyptus cordata Silver Gum
Eucalyptus dalrympleana Mountain White Gum
Eucalyptus delegatensis Gum-topped Stringybark
Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum
Eucalyptus gunnii Cider Gum
Eucalyptus johnstonii Yellow Gum
Eucalyptus morrisbyi Morrisby's Gum
Eucalyptus nitida Smithton Peppermint
Eucalyptus obliqua Stringybark Widespread,
Eucalyptus ovata Swamp Gum
Eucalyptus pauciflora Cabbage Gum
Eucalyptus perriniana Spinning Gum
Eucalyptus pulchella White Peppermint
Eucalyptus regnans Mountain Ash
Eucalyptus risdonii Risdon Peppermint
Eucalyptus rodwayi Swamp Peppermint
Eucalyptus rubida Candlebark
Eucalyptus sieberi Tasmanian Ironbark
Eucalyptus subcrenulata Alpine yellow gum
Eucalyptus tenuiramis Silver Peppermint
Eucalyptus urnigera Urn Gum
Eucalyptus viminalis White Gum
Eucryphia lucida Leatherwood
Lagarostrobus franklinii Huon Pine
Nematolepis squamea Satinwood
Notelaea ligustrina Native Olive
Nothofagus cunninghamii Myrtle
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius Celery Top Pine