Plants in the Protea family include some of the best-loved Australian plants. Grevilleas, Banksias and Waratahs are reknowned for having attractive flowers and being bird-attracting. Other members of the family are more obscure, including many of those from south-western Tasmania. Bellendena montana (Montain Rocket) is one of the most primitive plants in the family. The Proteaceae is an ancient family that was present on Gondwana prior to its break-up over 50 million years ago. Members of the family are now found in Australia, South America and South Africa. Common or garden Proteas come from South Africa.
Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.
The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.
Agastachys odoratum White Waratah
Banksia marginata Silver Banksia
Banksia serrata Saw Leaf Banksia
Bellendena montana Mountain Rocket
Cenarrhenes nitida Native Plum
Grevillea australis Southern Grevillea
Hakea decurrens Bushy Needlewood
Hakea epiglottis Beaked Hakea
Hakea lissosperma Needle Bush
Hakea megadenia Autumn Hakea
Hakea microcarpa Small-fruited Hakea
Hakea nodosa Yellow Hakea
Hakea teretifolia Dagger Hakea
Hakea ulicina Furze Hakea
Isopogon ceratophyllus Horny Cone Bush
Lomatia polymorpha Mountain Lomatia
Lomatia tinctoria Guitar Plant
Orites diversifolius Variable Orites
Orites milliganii Toothed Orites
Orites revolutus Revolute Orites
Persoonia gunnii Mountain Geebung
Telopea truncata Tasmanian Waratah