Plants of Tasmania Nursery

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Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Limited

Plant list - White flowers

Tasmania has some beautiful white-flowered plants, from the difficult to grow White Waratah to a special form of the fascinating trigger plants.


Click on the species name to go to the listing for the plant in the main alphabetical catalogue.

The main alphabetical catalogue has cultivation details, prices, and a link to photos of each species.

Acradenia frankliniae     Whitey Wood
Agastachys odorata     White Waratah
Anopterus glandulosus     Native Laurel
Atherosperma moschatum     Sassafras
Baeckea gunniana     Alpine Baeckea
Baeckea imbricata     Heathmyrtle  
Bellendena montana     Mountain Rocket
Bursaria spinosa     Prickly Box
Calytrix tetragona     Common Fringe Myrtle
Cenarrhenes nitida     Native Plum
Clematis aristata     Old Man's Beard
Correa alba     White Correa
Cryptandra amara     Sweet Winter Cryptandra
Diplarrena latifolia     West Coast Flag Iris
Diplarrena moraea     White Flag Iris
Dracophyllum minimum     Heath Cushion Plant
Elaeocarpus reticulatus     Blueberry Ash
Epacris gunnii     Gunn's Heath
Epacris mucronulata     Franklin's Heath
Epacris paludosa     Flinders Mountain Heath
Epacris petrophila     Alpine Rock Heath
Epacris serpyllifolia     Alpine Heath
Eucryphia lucida     Leatherwood
Eucryphia milliganii     Small Leaved Leatherwood
Euryomyrtus ramosissima     Creeping Baeckea
Geum talbotianum     Tasmanian Alpine Geum
Grevillea australis     Southern Grevillea
Hakea lissosperma     Needle Bush
Hakea megadenia     Autumn Hakea
Hakea microcarpa     Small Fruit Hakea
Kunzea ambigua     Sweet Kunzea
Lasiopetalum macrophyllum     Shrubby Velvet Bush
Lasiopetalum micranthum     Spreading Velvet Bush
Leionema bilobum     Truncate Phebalium
Leionema oldfieldii     Mountain Waxflower
Leptospermum glaucescens     Glaucous Tea-tree
Leptospermum grandiflorum     Eastern Tea-tree
Leptospermum lanigerum     Woolly Tea-tree
Leptospermum nitidum     Shiny Tea-tree
Leptospermum riparium     River Tea-tree
Leptospermum rupestre     Creeping Tea-Tree
Leptospermum scoparium    Common Tea-Tree
Leucochrysum albicans var. Tricolor     Midlands Everlasting
Leucopogon hookeri     Mountain Beard Heath
Leucopogon montanus     Snow Beard Heath
Leucopogon parviflorus     Coast Beardheath
Leucopogon virgatus     Twiggy Beardheath
Libertia pulchella     Pretty Grass-Flag
Lomatia polymorpha     Mountain Lomatia
Lomatia tinctoria     Guitar Plant
Milligania densiflora     Silky Milligania
Monotoca linifolia     Small leaved,
Muehlenbeckia gunnii     Macquarie Vine
Myoporum insulare     Boobialla
Nematolepis squamea     Satinwood
Neopaxia australasica     Mountain Purslane
Olearia phlogopappa     Dusty Daisybush
Olearia pinifolia     Pine Daisy
Pentachondra involucrata     Forest Pentachondra
Pentachondra pumila     Carpet Pentachondra
Pimelea filiformis     Trailing Riceflower
Pimelea humilis     Dwarf Pimelea
Pimelea linifolia     Nodding Pimelea
Pimelea sericea     Mountain Riceflower
Pomaderris apetala     Dogwood
Pratia pedunculata     Platt's White
Ricinocarpus pinifolius     Wedding Bush
Sambucus gaudichaudiana     White Elderberry
Scleranthus biflorus     Cushion Plant
Spyridium vexilliferum     Propeller Plant (not really the flowers, but rather bracts)
Xanthorrhoea australis     Grass-Tree

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